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ul. Narvik 66, 30-437 Kraków, Polska



Tytuł:  El Invencible

Wydawca:  Impedimenta

Kraj:  Spain

Polski tytuł:  Niezwyciężony

Język:  hiszpański

Tłumacz: Abel Murcia; Katarzyna Mołoniewicz

Impedimenta is a Spanish literary publishing house, founded in Madrid in 2007, devoted to Modern Classics and Contemporary Fiction, awarded in 2008 with the National Prize for the Best Editorial Work. Among its main authors are Mircea Cărtărescu, Dubravka Ugresic, Maryse Condé, Tatiana Tibuleac and Stanislaw Lem. Impedimenta, in fact, is the wydawca that, in the last 15 years, has been in charge of the recovery and translation of the works by Stanislaw Lem, with a large library of Tytułs —12 so far—, that goes from “The Hospital of Transfiguration”, Lem’s literary debut, to the first direct translation into Spanish of “Solaris”, “The Invincible”, “Mask” and “His Masters Voice”, among others, and the “XXI Century Library”.

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